Yes Bank Stock Analysis
The stock of Yes Bank Ltd. is currently faring better than the previous year at a price of INR 23 but it’s is nothing compared to the performance of the stock when the price of stock hovered near about INR 300 levels during its meteoric rise in 2018-19 after which it was hit by various scandals perpetrated by its founder Rana Kapoor. In an RBI report it was alleged that Rana Kapoor along with other management staff was involved in siphoning of funds to certain companies and hiding actual loses from the eyes of the public which amounted to around 3,277 crores along with lending loans to a number of financially stressed companies like Jet airways, CCD, Essar and so on. s But recently the bank’s metrics have been improving with Liquidity to coverage ratio falling from 118 in previous quarter to 116 in the present quarter of 2024 mainly driven by growing deposits and lower credit costs. The bank has been introducing new concepts to induce organic growth, the following two are the main co...